TIME Maths 86 Slide Teaching Sequence 24 hour time Digital Analogue AM PM
TIME Maths 86 Slide Teaching Sequence 24 hour time Digital Analogue AM PM
Teaching 24 hour time, digital, analogue, AM and PM, hours, minutes, seconds, half past, telling time in 5 minute intervals, quarter to, quarter past
Primary Elementary Mathematics - lower and upper grades
This is a GOOGLE SLIDES ® Resource File - to access you will need a GOOGLE or Gmail account and Google Drive.
-Includes Google Slides file + pdf version
- Ready to download direct to your Google Drive or device and start using straight away. Covers a wide scope of TIME lessons to use over and over again every year for a variety of year levels and abilities.
Unit presented in easy-to-understand, pictorial, logical learning sequence to teach beginner students, revise, extend and consolidate understanding.
SEE FULL PREVIEW HERE before purchasing
Digital Game to match is also available separately on our store.
Australian Curriculum Aligned with:
Year 1 ACMMG020 Tell time to half hour
Year 1 ACMMG021 Describe duration using hours
Year 2 ACMMGO39 Tell time to the quarter hour, using the language of 'past' and 'to\
Year 3 ACMMG062 Tell time to the minute and investigate the relationship between units of time
Year 4 ACMMGO85 Convert between units of time (basic intro of this is included)
Year 4 ACMMGO86 Use 'am' and 'pm' notation and solve simple time problems
Year 5 ACMMG110 Compare 12 and 24-hour time systems and convert between them
... includes basic time concepts to revise all, leading into Year 6 - interpreting and using timetables.
- Comprehensive Massive 86 SLIDE/PAGE UNIT OF WORK including everything you need - Teaching/ Whole Class Instructional Slides, Questioning Slides, Answer Slides, Whiteboard/Projector ready activities/slides, A4 Printable, Distance Learning ready to assign or send out to students online in your class (single class use only - purchase multiple licenses at discount price for 2 or more classes)
- Real life 24 hour time examples
- (NO PREP!) on Google Slides
- Bright, fun, engaging colours, pictures and instructional diagrams that really help understanding.
- Introduction to telling the time - hours, minutes, seconds hands
- Telling the time using 'counting in 5s'
- Telling the time using 'half past' 'quarter to' 'quarter past' 'o'clock'
- Time facts - seconds in a minute, minutes in an hour, hours in a day, minutes in half an hour, quarter of an hour
- Analogue and Digital clocks
- 24 hour time
- Photos of real life time examples
- Great resource to have on hand for relief teachers/ substitute teachers, needing to cover concepts across many year levels with little time to prepare.
- Comprehensive unit that could be used numerous times over many years no matter what year level you teach. Teaches and reinforces the basic time concepts to help students further their learning.
- Useful for tutors, teacher aides, special needs teachers and more
- Useful for distance learning and learning from home - digital ready
NOTE: If you love this resource, please refer your teacher friends/ colleagues to my store to purchase their own OR multiple class licenses are available to purchase at a discounted rate. Each class and/or teacher needs their OWN license to use this resource. This resource is copyrighted to Teach Fun Oz from 2020 onwards and cannot be copied, duplicated, re-sold or distributed without appropriate license purchase or permission.
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