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Incursions and Insect Experiences Policy


To secure your booked dates and times just for you, we require a non-refundable deposit for $150 (+GST) per incursion session. This is $165 per incursion session at the time of booking. This amount is deducted from your remaining balance, which will be invoiced and is due at the commencement of your incursion/s. For insect experiences booked, we also require this deposit to secure your dates. We also need to place our orders early with our butterfly breeders to ensure caterpillars and chrysalis kits are available for your booking commencement date. As you can understand, once these are booked for your delivery date, these live creatures are time-sensitive before their metamorphosis, so we are usually unable to change your date once booked. Our delivery/set up day is normally Thursday and our pickup/cleanup day is the Wednesday or Thursday 2 weeks after depending on availability and subsequent bookings.

If for some reason you are needing to change your booked date/s, we request that you get in touch as soon as possible to enable us to try and find an alternate date for you.


This is normally possible, however please ensure you provide at least 7 days notice as our incursions do involve advance planning and specific resources to be purchased just for your classes and different incursions involve different requirements.


Incursions: Our preference is that if you need to cancel, you move the booking to an alternate suitable date to avoid losing your non-refundable deposit fee. If you cancel your booking at least 14 days prior and choose not to re-book to another available timeslot, we reserve the right to retain the non-refundable deposit to cover some of our costs and missed revenue from the day/s we secured just for you. If you cancel within 4-14 days prior to the booked incursion or experience, you will be invoiced for 50% of total booking price. For cancellation that is less than 4 days prior to the booked date, you will be invoiced for the full amount and required to pay within 7 days. We do our best to contact you with booking confirmations and reminders prior to your booked dates through the contact details you provided us at the time of booking. This is to assist in your preparations for our arrival. Please ensure all staff are aware of your booking/s and are expecting our arrival on the day to avoid confusion and any complications with double-bookings or change in staff. Thank you for your assistance with this.


If for any unexpected or urgent reason, or due to an emergency or severe weather event, your educational presenter is ill or unable to travel or present on the day, we will contact to notify as soon as possible and arrange for an alternate day, along with an added discount for the inconvenience. If an alternate day is not possible, you will be offered a full refund. This would only occur on the seldom occasion and we do everything we can to provide you with the services you have booked for.


When working with nature and natural creatures, occasionally we need to change our plans to suit them. As such, if you have a Butterfly Garden Experience or other insect experience booked, we do our best to provide our services on those dates, however this is dependent sometimes on the levels of supply, weather and breeding times. Usually in the warmer months, butterflies are available, however in some cooler months (May, June, July, August) may not be available from our suppliers or alternative species may be a replacement option throughout the year. If there are any changes to your booked dates, we will communicate this to you and work with you to reschedule if necessary.

Important Butterfly Garden Notes:
Caterpillars and butterflies can die although the survival rate in captivity is very high at approximately 85%. If this does happen however, please remove the caterpillar or butterfly from the cage and clean around the area with water and paper towel. Occasionally a cocoon may turn brown/black and nothing happens. This may mean no butterfly or a butterfly may have a deformed wing and will not fly. The chance of this is 1 in 50. We provide multiple caterpillars and chrysalis so we can guarantee that you do have at least a couple of butterflies, if not many butterflies complete their metamorphosis, so long as you follow our instruction guide, take care with the children near the Butterfly Garden, behind the table area not touching the enclosure or butterflies, maintain an optimal living environment as set up and suggested by us (above 22 degrees Celsius, not directly in front of the cold air conditioner or fan, out of direct sunlight so they don't get too hot, inside the enclosure until a staff member carefully takes out within 2-3 days of them becoming a butterfly and keeping the environment lightly misted as per instructions daily).

Please do not move the Butterfly Garden to another location without direct advice from us. We have selected an appropriate position for your Butterfly Experience at the time of setting up. Please do not move to other classrooms or outside. We have provided enough food supply for your caterpillars and you will not need to feed the butterflies. Butterflies don't feed for at least 24 hours after hatching. Within 2-3 days, they need to go find their own nectar/food. You do not need to place any food within the enclosure for them.

*Educators: Please wash your hands before and after opening the garden as the sap from the plant can irritate the skin for some people! If you have an allergy, it may be best to ask another staff member to assist you or use the provided net. Do not allow the children to touch the caterpillars, chrysalis, plants, butterflies or the enclosure. It is for their viewing pleasure and they can observe staff as they release the butterflies. Do not allow the children to use the net or any other instruments to enter the enclosure for risk of damage to the insects and the equipment. Excessive or deliberate damage may result in repair fees and consequently lost income for our business.


We encourage you to provide feedback to us after your incursions session or insect experience. We love hearing what you loved about our visit! Feel free to take photos, do timelapse videoing on butterfly experiences (please do not attach camera to the enclosure but instead on a tripod nearby), take photos of activities after our visit, please share on socials (tag us at Ladybug Academy Sunshine Coast and North Brisbane on Instagram and Facebook!) and share with your families or community if you have permission to do so. Likewise, if there are any concerns you have, please email as soon as possible after the show so we can help rectify the situation.

As a local family owned business, we really appreciate you leaving us awesome reviews and helping to spread the word on socials, to our email or website and through word of mouth. That is the best form of thanks that you can provide for us and we really thank you for this!