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BOOK HERE! INCURSIONS FROM JUST $10 PER CHILD* based on max. class size of 35 participants
BOOK HERE! INCURSIONS FROM JUST $10 PER CHILD* based on max. class size of 35 participants


Teach Fun Oz provides engaging, time-saving learning resources and licensed 
'Ladybug Academy' incursion programs
to Australian teachers, parents,
early childhood centres, home-schoolers, schools, vacation care and educators.

Lessons and incursion programs are aligned to the
Australian Curriculum v9.0 and/or support the Early Years Learning Framework. 
Educational presenters at our incursions are fully qualified, insured
and registered with the Qld College of Teachers with approved blue card.

Teach Fun Oz is a Sunshine Coast / North Brisbane based business with teacher resources created by an experienced Australian teacher. Owner of Teach Fun Oz - Ang, is a Mum of 2 high schoolers, teacher, resource creator and licensee for Ladybug Academy incursions in the Sunshine Coast & North Brisbane areas. She oversees all business operations. Ang has been an Educator in Queensland Primary Schools for over 20 years and is qualified with a Bachelor degree in Education, teaching all year levels P-7 and specialist classes in this time. She is a registered primary school teacher with Qld College of Teachers in Australia and has had leadership roles as a mentor to pre-service teachers, coach for district touch football teams, camp and excursions co-ordinator, choreographer for dance performance teams and has worked in Education Publishing.

When Ang isn't teaching or creating teacher resources, she loves jogs with her cattle dog, gym sessions, dance and painting.