'Ladybug Academy' incursion programs to Australian teachers, parents,
early childhood centres, home-schoolers, schools, vacation care and educators.
Lessons and incursion programs are aligned to the
Australian Curriculum v9.0 and/or support the Early Years Learning Framework.
Educational presenters at our incursions are fully qualified, insured
Teach Fun Oz is a Sunshine Coast / North Brisbane based business with teacher resources created by an experienced Australian teacher. Owner of Teach Fun Oz - Ang, is a Mum of 2 high schoolers, teacher, resource creator and licensee for Ladybug Academy incursions in the Sunshine Coast & North Brisbane areas. She oversees all business operations. Ang has been an Educator in Queensland Primary Schools for over 20 years and is qualified with a Bachelor degree in Education, teaching all year levels P-7 and specialist classes in this time. She is a registered primary school teacher with Qld College of Teachers in Australia and has had leadership roles as a mentor to pre-service teachers, coach for district touch football teams, camp and excursions co-ordinator, choreographer for dance performance teams and has worked in Education Publishing.