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BOOK HERE! INCURSIONS FROM JUST $10 PER CHILD* based on max. class size of 35 participants
BOOK HERE! INCURSIONS FROM JUST $10 PER CHILD* based on max. class size of 35 participants

Adult Dance Fit - Dance and Fitness for workplaces staff days and events

We also cater to adult staff events, student free day sessions, training and conference break outs. Why should just the kids have all the fun!?

Perfect for breaking up long training sessions for staff.
Perfect for team-building and social events at workplaces. 
Perfect for something special once-a-term to de-stress staff and focus on fun again, and to get everyone moving for wellness and mental health.

With our qualified, experienced dance and fitness instructor, this session will include a range of up-beat songs and dance fitness moves that are easy-to-learn as we go. You'll get that body moving and shaking in no time! No dance experience required! It's all about fun and getting that heart rate up a little in an express 30 minute session or 1 hour.

We offer three different session types for adults:

'Adult Dance Fit' (Regular dance fitness class - low-medium intensity options)

'Active over 50s' (best suited for those over 50 - for lower impact cardio) 

'Move' - (suited to aged care and hospitals - low impact seated routine to music)

*Includes a wide range of different music and dance styles throughout the session to suit everybody!

[Above] Adult Dance Fit - Low to Medium Intensity

[Above] Adult Dance Fit - Low to Medium Intensity

[Above] Adult Dance Fit - Active Over 50 - Low Impact Class

[Above] 'Move' Aged Care Mobility Dance - Very Low Impact Movement to Songs in a Seated Chair Routine

[Above] 'Move' Modified Kids Dance Session - in a Seated Chair Routine