The Ultimate Prac Teacher Planner for pre service practicums printable - Australian based resources
PRAC TEACHER PLANNER the ULTIMATE planner and printable binder for the pre service teacher about to embark on their work experience or teaching practicum
PRINTABLE - Ready to print in A4 size and put together in your Binder or print into a book. Buy once and use over and over again for every prac you complete throughout your study period, as it is undated and adaptable to any year, not just 2022! This stunning and sophisticated planner is VERY comprehensive in Powerpoint format. Includes loads of on trend cover designs to choose from whenever you feel like mixing it up, alongwith BONUS spine labels to edit and print if using a binder!
Get organised for this very important and exciting time in your teaching journey. Created by an experienced teacher who has also been a mentoring teacher for up and coming pre service teachers and knows all the useful essentials as well as loads of helpful tips and important extras along the way to help you as much as possible.
>>Simply choose your cover, edit your name on the cover slide, then print your selected slide. (Note: Only Cover Pages and Quick Reference grids are digitally editable - all others are designed for printing and filling in by hand anywhere, anytime without the need for a device or internet - or you could add your own text boxes over in Powerpoint if desired).
>>For the remainder of the planner, print the slide number range you require. There are LOADS of variations of forms and planning sheets to suit your preference. Use as little or as much as you'd like.
>>Print multiples of the daily, weekly and term planning sheets in advance or as you go, so you can change them in your folder to keep current. All s are different depending on where you study and your own specific timetabling so this planner is designed to be customised by you, to suit how many copies you need to match how many weeks in your practicum etc.
>>This teacher planner is designed by an Australian Primary School Teacher with Aussie Primary Classrooms in mind, but really could be used Worldwide for any school by adjusting any pages that may not apply for you or printing the blank templates and handwriting your own headings. Please see preview images and video.
Please note: This planner is designed to be printed and handwritten on a physical copy that you can have 'on the go' anywhere, without the need to always be on the computer or Internet. The covers can be printed in colour or BW and the inserts can be printed on black and white to save colour ink.
*IMPORTANT: Download is a ZIP file which will need to first be unzipped by your device. Then you will have 1 x TOU document in pdf format and 1 x Powerpoint file. You will need Powerpoint software to run this document.
This is NOT a physical product. You will be emailed a link to download files then need to print out on your own printer or have professionally printed if you wish.
PRE SERVICE TEACHER PLANNER INCLUSIONS: MEGA 127 PAGES! One of the most comprehensive, thoughtful prac teacher planners available.
- 40+ Black and White and Colour On Trend Cover Designs to choose from - mix and match each term or year! + BONUS free matching spine labels
- Bio Details
- Teaching Quotes
- Staff Contacts
- Login Details Pages
- My 5 Year Plan
- AITSL Professional Teaching Standards
- The 3 P's of Prac - tips page
- Prac Durations
- School Policies
- School Wide Behaviour Management Flow Chart
- Prac Teacher Quick Guide Sheets
- Seating Plan Ideas
- Seating Plan Template Draw Sheet
- Checklist of Prac experiences - recommendations
- Teacher Tips from a mentoring teacher
- Self Care Tips
- 30 Day Challenge
- Quick reference overview grids
- Personal reference overview grids
- This week's learning overview grids
- This week's 'To do' list in grid of specific areas
- This Week - Weekly Lesson Planning Grids, Learning Area Grids, Weekly Class Goals, Weekly To Do Lists (School and Personal ones separately), Weekly Timetable
- Teaching strategies I'd like to try - running list page
- Lesson Planning - specifically designed for Prac/Pre-service teachers
- Lesson Observations - notes pages ready to go
- Communication notes pages
- Record-keeping and data management - notes pages
- Classroom systems, routines and lesson planning - notes pages
- Meetings - observation notes page
- Recommended Reading List - Books, Blogs, Sites, Apps, Podcasts Sections
- My future class set-up - ideas pages x 2
- Things I'd like to have in my classroom - list page
- Professional Development Record
- Important Calendar Dates pages
- Prac Year at a Glance
- School Holidays
- Timetables - Specialists, Playground Duty, Extra Support
- Class Birthdays List
- This Term - Quick Reference Sheets
- This Month - Monthly Themes and Monthly Calendars
- Unit Plan Template Sheet
- My teaching sessions
- Observation lessons schedule page
- Weekly lessons
- Weekly class goals
- Favourite Prac Memories
- Student Groups List - template
- Assessment Tracker Sheets
- Grades Tracker Sheet
- Notes page
- Special Message from my Mentor Teacher
- Special Message to my Mentor Teacher
- Preparation for final assessment and interview
- Evidence of meeting my practicum requirements
- University Contacts
- Class Schedule
- To Do Lists
- Daily plans and Weekly Timetables
- Ways to thank your teacher colleague/s
- Prac Expense Tracker Sheet
- Personal Reflection
- My Prac Achievements
- Assessment Task sheet
- Shared,Guided, Modelled and Independent Reading Trackers
- Weekly and Term Schedule Planners
- Assignment and Group Project Planners
- Behaviour Tracker and Behavior Tracker (different spelling option for non-Australian teachers)
- Number of the Day and Sound of the Day Planner Sheet
- Daily To Do Lists, Priorities, Challenges, Reflections
- Awards Tracker
- Borrowing Tracker
- Extra Prac Notes sheet
- Learning Goal Mini Notes Sheets
- Note from your visiting teacher - Mini Notes Sheets
- Teacher Inspirational Quote Posters/ Sheets for throughout Binder
**We recommend purchasing an A4 Ring Binder and hole punch or plastic sleeves to insert your colour printed pages into. Alternately, you may prefer printing the full duplicate quantities of each page you require for the term or year ahead and have them professionally bound into a book at a print house or office supply store such as 'Officeworks' in Australia, or bind your own if you have a binding machine at home or at your school.
I hope it helps you a whole bunch and saves you precious time when starting your prac. All the best for your teaching journey ahead!
If you love this planner, be sure to check out my ULTIMATE TEACHER PLANNER series in a huge range of designs, once you are qualified and ready to teach your own class! (How exciting!)