Student Profile Sheets Classroom Forms Editable Forest Animals Powerpoint IEP
Student Profiles - Classroom Forms - STUDENT PROFILE SHEETS
- Forest Animals Theme
VIEW Preview Video Clip HERE to see full inclusions
⭐Editable sheets in Powerpoint - Use again and again each term and each new year with all your classes.
⭐Ready to click and edit textboxes
⭐Edit digitally then print in a4 or a3 size to create a book or folder of Student Profiles or use digitally and paper-less to have on hand whenever you need it at school or home.
Use this resource over and over again every term, or every year with each new class!
Powerpoint file
5 pages
5 colour options (including 1 x black and white)
►Use your favourite colour option for throughout the year, or mix and match - different colour for each term, different colours for boys/girls, different colour to organise into different year levels if multi-age class or composite class, literacy groups, support needs etc.
Simply make a master blank copy first, then duplicate for each student and save
Full name
Section to insert student profile photo
Date of birth
Differentiation Notes
Parent/Caregiver Contacts
Medical or Special Needs
Talents and Interest Areas
Siblings and Classes
Sports House/Team
Specialist, Aide or Staff Support times
Reading Levels (4 boxes for progressing level changes OR beginning or end of each term results)
Learning Area Focus sections
Social Skills Focus
Learning Style and Effective Positive Behaviour Strategies
I hope this resource is useful for you going back to school or starting a new term!
Saving your time on the setting up, so you have more time for the amazing teaching!
PLEASE NOTE: I am an Australian teacher and as such, most of my resources include Australian spelling, vocabulary and grammar (unless otherwise stated or shown). Please feel free to get in touch to request changes to suit your location and variations and I'll see what I can do.
This product design is Copyright to Teach Fun Oz and not to be reproduced, redistributed, copied or used for anything other than personal single classroom teacher use. You DO NOT have permission to send file or give access to other teachers, parents or other schools or anyone else. For additional use or sharing with others, please purchase required quantity of additional licenses for use at a discounted price from our store or refer them to our store to purchase as they require. Our products are NOT to be re-sold, altered, lifted from or copied. You are not permitted to claim these as your own in any way or use for a whole school/district program without prior authorisation and the relevant license requirements. Multiple licenses per user are available at discounted rates for this or get in touch at: teachfunoz@outlook.com
Clip Art and Fonts are used under license and with permission. Please see our Credits/Acknowledgements page within the resource. Questions to: teachfunoz@outlook.com Thank you for shopping with TEACH FUN OZ!
Please be sure to get in touch if you have any concerns or feedback.
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