Commonwealth Games 2022 Themed Unit Print or Digital Activities - Birmingham UK
Low prep ready to go unit to save you time and keep them engaged!
LET THE GAMES BEGIN! Transform your classroom into an amazing World Games experience with MASSIVE 110 PAGES of printable templates and student workbook activities, slides that you can share or assign in digital format for online learning or in class whiteboard slideshows (or in screenshare view to your students during video calls for virtual learning). Highly engaging for a range of age levels and LOADS of exciting FUN! It's all done for you with everything you will need. No need to spend hours and hours preparing and planning. Here it is at a super value price for all subject areas and many year levels that you can use again and again even beyond the 2022 Games!!
*Please note this preview includes Tokyo Olympics items which are no longer part of the unit, but have been replaced with Commonwealth Games 2022 content instead.
ZIP File (large compressed file which needs software on your computer capable of unzipping to access files within)
- Powerpoint slideshow and PDF versions included (if printing - be sure to select 'fit to page')
-Images and background layout is NOT editable
- BONUS FREEBIE JUST ADDED - Commonwealth Games Computer Research Challenge Activity - great for homework project, partner work, fast finisher activity, computer lab or digital technologies class time)
- Choice of cover pages
- Fun boarding passes to fill in
- Fun VIP World Games Spectator Pass Lanyard
- KWL Chart (What we know, what we want to know, what we have learnt)
- Prior Knowledge - "Brain Sweep" Chart
- Success Criteria chart
- Learning Achievements chart
- World Games Word Wall - Vocabulary
- World Games Events Wall - Vocabulary
- Event List
- Teacher Notes
- Games themed class management tools
- Days of Competition chart - laminate and write on, wipe off
- Watch the News!
- Class Team Rewards - Points Board ( choice of 3 colour schemes)
- Class Team Rewards Vouchers - Editable to choose your own
- Class Team Rewards Vouchers - Unique and fun choices for you!
- Team Name - desk sign template and instructions
- Team Challenge - Design A Mascot
- World Games Mini Book cover page
- World Games Workbook cover page
- Editable Workbook cover page of your own choice
- Your Challenge Tracker template checklist
- World Games - information slides
- Torch Relay
- Opening and Closing Ceremonies
- Your Special Talents - 1st 2nd 3rd activity
- Team Spirit - Qualities of professional athletes
- Design your own country uniform
- World Games famous sportspeople - charts to list
- Australian version and US/UK version spellings for Favourite/Favorite events activities
- Our Class Favourites/Favorites - Data Collection Table - Tally Marks Record
- Graphing
- Countries/Nations of the World Flags
- Countries/Nations of the World - Capital Cities
- Differentiated Countries/Nations of the World - Capital Cities - match activity
- Class Challenge- A-Z Countries
- Country Research Project - guide sheet
- Similarities and Differences between countries - graphic organiser
- Tokyo, Japan factual information pages
- Reading comprehension questions -Tokyo,Japan -differentiated level options x 2
- Olympic Mathematics - Differentiated level options x 3 - Data and Graphing, Ordinal Numbers, Total Numbers, Calculating Averages, Calculating Difference, Comparing Numbers
- Group Task Cards - Mathematics - Money, Time, Length
- Group Task Cards - Performing - Interview
- Group Task Cards - Writing - Letters
- Group Task Cards - Performing - Advertisements
- Group Task Cards - Geography, History, Health and Physical Education
- Make your own Australian Flag - Colour In Template
- Aboriginal Indigenous and Torres Strait Australian Flags
- Athletics Craftivity Activities - Make and Do x 4 templates and clear instructions
- Create a Long Jump Pit Play Set, Create a Shimmering Torch, Create a Thaumatrope - Running Stick Animation, Design a Medal!
- Includes many discussion starters and tasks related to the following Australian Curriculum Standards:
YEAR 2 ACPP5023 - Identify and explore natural and built environments in the local community where physical activity can take place. Australian Connections with the World - What are some other reasons why countries might connect with other countries?
YEAR 4 ACPP5040 - Describing strategies to make active sports safe
YEAR 4 ACPP5041 - Participating in outdoor games and activities to examine how participation promotes a connection between the community, environments, health and well-being
YEAR 5 ACPP5059 -Explore how participation in outdoor activities supports personal and community health and wellbeing and creates connections to natural and build environments
YEAR 6 ACPP5060 - Valuing diversity - positive influences and global benefits
Clear teacher instructions and diagrams included
Minimal equipment needed!
Are you a relief/ substitute teacher? This set is perfect for you too, quick to set up, comprehensive, current, needs minimal equipment and materials and is suitable for a variety of ages to use beyond the Commonwealth Games too!
Thank you for visiting our store!
Enquiries to: teachfunoz@outlook.com
This resource is copyright to Teach Fun Oz. It cannot be sold, duplicated, copied, re-distributed or used for commercial use in any way without prior written consent.