Musical Instruments Orchestra Bundle - Charts Activities Beginner Music Lessons
Instruments - Orchestra Lessons Charts Posters Flashcards Music Activities Beginner level Music Lesson Ideas. This great value beginner music bundle is the perfect way to introduce Orchestra Instruments to students. With lots of different ways you can use the included charts, cards and worksheets, you'll save loads of time and use again and again each year! For specialist music teachers, classroom teachers, instrumental music teachers and tutors or even just for home learning. Also makes for a great relief teacher or substitute teacher bundle to have low prep, fun activities on hand for a quick music lesson at little notice!
Includes 96 Pages
Aligned to Australian Curriculum Standards - Music - Primary School
ACAMUM081 - (Introduction Activities for...) Practising techniques for singing songs and playing classroom instruments
Singing and playing music to explore the expressive possibilities of their voices and instruments
ACAMUM082 - Considering viewpoints – forms and elements: For example – What sounds or musical phrases are in my composition? What instruments were used in the music and how was their sound different? How was their sound made?
YEAR 3-4
ACAMUM085 - Practise singing, playing instruments and improvising music, using elements of music including rhythm, pitch, dynamics and form in a range of pieces, including in music from the local community
YEAR 5-6
ACAMUM089 - Develop technical and expressive skills in singing and playing instruments with understanding of rhythm, pitch and form in a range of pieces, including in music from the community
Included in this resource:
- 96 pages in total ready to print a4 size or reduce for flashcards or enlarge to a3 if you prefer for larger classroom wall charts for an effective room display with the WOW factor!
- Comprising of 11 x Black and White versions and 11 x Colour versions
- Posters: 29 most common orchestra instruments labelled with names + conductors, music stand and bow posters. (see list of instruments included below)
- Orchestra sections included: Keyboard instruments, Brass section, Wind section, Percussion section, Strings section
- DIY Art Activities - Make your own instrument craftivity templates and instructions
- 'Name the Instruments' printable worksheets for each section (or assign for online learning and add text boxes) - choice of colour printing or BW ink-saving option
- Print cards 4 or 6 to a page to create memory game card sets
- Print cards to play game of 'I have, who has...' with the class or small group
- 'What am I?' cards for 29 instruments
- Strings section size comparison chart and matching label activity
Orchestra Instruments included:
- piano, pipe organ, french horn, trombone, trumpet, tuba, saxophone, base drum, cymbals, gong, marimba, snare drum, tambourine, timpani drum, triangle, tubular bells, vibraphone, xylophone, harp, bass, bow, cello, violin, viola, bass clarinet, bassoon, clarinet, flute, oboe, piccolo, conductors (x 4 variations male and female depictions and culturally diverse and age diverse), music stand
Other charts:
Keyboard instruments collage
Percussion instruments collage
String instruments collage
Wind instruments collage
Brass instruments collage
ZIP File - you will need to have software on your device to unzip this file to access the resources.
- Powerpoint file
TOU & Credits document - Single Personal Classroom Use License Only Sharing with others is NOT permitted for this resource except in printed form for your own students. Separate license required per user.
I hope it helps you a whole bunch and saves you lots of time!!