History Time Past and Present 25 Digital Photo Cards Boom Learning Year 1 and 2
Self Correcting Digital Task Cards for use on BOOM LEARNING
(also available in Google Slides version)
History: Time - Past and Present Digital Photo Deck of 25 Cards for Lower Primary
Australian Curriculum Aligned:
ACHASSK030 Year 1 H.A.S.S. Humanities and Social Sciences
ACHASSK046 Year 2 H.A.S.S. Humanities and Social Sciences
A fun way to introduce the concepts of time - past and present for students to play independently on hand-held, home or classroom devices and also for teachers to share with the class on classroom projector boards or digital whiteboards. Created for use exclusively through 'Boom Learning' account.
IMPORTANT: To use Boom Cards, you must be connected to the Internet. Boom Cards play on modern browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge). Apps are available for Android, iPads, iPhones, and Kindle Fires. For security and privacy, adults must have a Boom Learning account to use and assign Boom Cards. You will be able to assign the Boom Cards you are buying with "Fast Pins," (play provides instant feedback for self-grading Boom Cards). Fast Play is always a free way for students to engage with Boom Cards decks. For additional assignment options you'll need a premium account. If you are new to Boom Learning, you will be offered a free trial of our premium account. Read here for details: http://bit.ly/BoomTrial. If you choose not to stay on a premium account after your free trial, you will still be able to assign all your Boom Cards to as many students as you see fit using Fast Play pins (which give instant feedback for decks that are self-grading).
All in One 25 Card Deck - includes bright, colourful and fun images the children will love! Once this resource is purchased, you will be able to download a pdf, which will have an activation link. This will then take you directly into 'Boom Learning' ready for you to follow the prompts and gain access to the Boom Deck. Please refer to the Boom FAQs for support and tutorials on How to Use with your students. SEE PREVIEW BELOW.
This product design is Copyright to Teach Fun Oz and not to be reproduced, redistributed, copied or used for anything other than personal single classroom teacher use. For additional use or sharing with others, please purchase required quantity of additional licenses for use at a discounted price from our store. Our products are NOT to be re-sold, altered, lifted from or copied. You are not permitted to claim these as your own in any way or use for a whole school/district program without prior authorisation and the relevant license requirements. Multiple licenses per user are available at discounted rates for this or get in touch at: teachfunoz@outlook.com
Clip Art and Fonts are used under license and with permission. Please see our Credits/Acknowledgements page within the resource.
Questions to: teachfunoz@outlook.com
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Please be sure to get in touch if you have any concerns or feedback.