Free Download Graduation Songs - The Ultimate Playlist for End of Year
The Ultimate List of Songs to play for the next graduation ceremony or formal event you are organising. Great for end of year. Includes a list of song titles to fill up at least 3 hours of music at your event! This listing is for a free downloadable list of song titles and artists only. This does NOT include the actual song downloads. For these you will need to create a 'Spotify' account to access the playlist we have created already for your use if you have an account. Otherwise, you can use this free list to provide ideas for titles to search for in your own preferred music download or streaming service. Type the titles into the search to find and create your own playlist.
We also have created the ultimate Graduation Slideshow ready for you to edit and organise for your own event. This can be purchased separately on our store.
Thank you for visiting our store!
Enquiries to: teachfunoz@outlook.com
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