English Australian Curriculum V9.0 Trackers F-6 Single User License
Are you an Australian teacher needing help to get your head around all the V9 Australian English curriculum content descriptors you need to get through this year?
Need a way to visually keep track of what you have taught, what you are in progress with and what you are yet to cover? Looking for a way to clearly organise your student assessment results to match the ACARA curriculum standards?
The Australian Curriculum V 9.0 Ultimate Tracker will help you do all of these things seamlessly in a simple, easy to use Microsoft Excel spreadsheet on your own device to take anywhere with you - from the Classroom, to outdoors, home, office or meetings. See preview images and video below for a sneak peek! Note: These are an example of one of our year level and subject areas. This is to provide an indication of what all of our curriculum trackers include and is indicative only to display what is included for your particular year level and subject area of purchase. All curriculum descriptors have been included already for you.
Our Australian Curriculum V9 Tracker:
- Makes planning lessons easier
- Makes tracking student progress and results easier
- Ease of reference for report card writing and parent/teacher interviews with individual tracker sheets for each student!
- Has section for note keeping along the way
- Ease of reference for data collected for Individual Education Plans
- Auto-fills student names into their individual record sheets, once you enter their names once into the main marking sheet
- Easy-click links to take you to the student pages
- Includes all strands of this subject area and year level
- Simply enter a number to correspond with 'done', 'in progress' or 'to do' options and the matching coloured indicator light will magically appear!
- Use easy drop-down menus that have been set up for you, to simply click the assessment grade for each area, then a visual marker dot will be automatically added to the marking grid record. (You can change the 5-level scale titles to suit your own marking requirements in the last sheet of the Excel document if different to those provided).
This listing is for a single user license only. Files cannot be duplicated or copied in part or whole, distributed for free or re-sold in any way. Files are copyright 2023 onwards by Teach Fun Oz.
>> Please share the link to this product listing to refer your colleagues, so they can purchase and benefit from it too.
>> Check out other subject area trackers in all primary/elementary year levels
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