Bee Life Cycle Bees Spinner Flash Cards Charts Science Prep Year 1 2 3 4
BEES LIFE CYCLE UNIT - Science Year 2, Year 3, Year 4 Primary or Elementary - Australian Curriculum Aligned
Life Cycle Spinner, Bee unit vocabulary spelling list flashcards, Life stages of bees charts - Biological Science - Minibeasts unit.
Produced by experienced teacher who also has her own beehives in collaboration with an Apiarist/Beekeeper. Other resources to complement this unit will also be available separately or purchase all as a MEGA bundle when listed.
BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES : Students develop understandings about structure and function in living things; inter-dependencies within environments; and evolution of life on Earth.
Australian Curriculum Aligned
Covers standards across multiple year levels and curriculum areas:
ACSSU030 YEAR 2 SCIENCE - Living things grow, change and have offspring similar to themselves
ACSSU044 YEAR 3 SCIENCE - Living things can be grouped on the basis of observable features and can be distinguished from non-living things
ACSSU072 YEAR 4 SCIENCE - Living things have life cycles
>> This BARGAIN BUY includes 15 pages in pdf format ready to print or use on your screen.
>> SAVE TIME! Ready to Use
>>>includes Printable templates for:
- 3 Pages Bee Life Cycle spinner + easy instructions sheet
- 6 Pages Bee vocabulary spelling list flashcards
- 6 Pages Life Stages Charts ready to print or enlarge print
>>>Content designed to align with the Australian Curriculum.
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