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AUSTRALIA and its Neighbours Year 3 Units HASS Powerpoint Virtual Field Trip 107pg

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AUSTRALIA AND ITS NEIGHBOURS HASS Unit for Year 3 / Grade 3 Primary or Elementary - Australian Curriculum Aligned
Australia Country Study Research

MASSIVE 2 x Terms worth of Lessons covering the below curriculum standards

Virtual Field Trip / Digital Excursion - Take your students around the country of Australia in a Digital experience where they will see the popular natural and human made attractions, virtually visit every state and territory with our 4 little Aussie Explorers.

SEE PREVIEW VIDEO prior to purchasing




Australian Curriculum Aligned

Covers two term units or 1 Semester:

ACHASSK066 Year 3 H.A.S.S. Humanities and Social Sciences

ACHASSK067 Year 3 H.A.S.S. Humanities and Social Sciences

ACHASSK068 Year 3 H.A.S.S. Humanities and Social Sciences

ACHASSK069 Year 3 H.A.S.S. Humanities and Social Sciences ********************************************************************
>> COMPLETE with MASSIVE 107 Slides in Powerpoint

>> 19 Unit Lesson Resources - Summary Included in Suggested Learning Sequence (to cover 2 x terms or 1 Semester)

+ 20 Page Printable Student Activity Booklet!

>>>Powerpoint Slideshow is PACKED full of engaging and relevant content to align with the Year 3 HASS unit in the Australian Curriculum.

READY TO TEACH Slideshow with NO PREP for you!


Just set up on your computer and projector screen or digital whiteboard and you are ready to go!

>> Characters from diverse backgrounds included and both male and female



Suggested: Use these materials and slideshow to form a two term unit comprising of 19 lessons. Materials to cover 14 lessons are included + allow 2 x revision lessons + 2 x Assessment Task Lessons + Final Culminating Activity Day - Aussie Celebration Day. (Assessment tasks are not included, however you may find some of the activity sheets useful in preparing for assessment tasks or could copy and use in a testing conditions after students have been taught the content through the slideshow, then revised and practised). ********************************************************************


>>A fun way to introduce the geography of Australia.

>>Share with the class on classroom projector board or digital whiteboard



Location of Australia in the World

Northern, Southern Hemisphere

State and Territories of Australia

Capital Cities of Australian States and Territories

Well known and popular natural and human made attractions and landmarks

Neighbouring Countries

Australian Animals

Australian Foods

Australian Way of Life

Australian Settlement and Demographics

Australian Climate and Seasons

Places of Indigenous People (s)

Similarities and Differences between places

Australian Flags



Colour In Sheets - Australia themed

Boarding Pass - to fill in States and Territories - blank fill in map

Capital Cities - blank fill in map

Design your own backpack activity template

Aussie Aussie Aussie! Word Search

Neighbouring Country Study - Research Grids for:


-New Zealand


-New Caledonia


Similarities and Differences between countries template sheet - diagram

Natural or Human-made Wonders of Country template sheet - diagram

Make your own Australian Flag - Colour In

Make your own Australian Flag - Colour Guide

Description of the Aboriginal Indigenous Australian Flag and Links to view it

Description of the Torres Strait Islander Indigenous Australian Flag and Links to view

Photo of the Torres Strait Island Indigenous Australian Flag


This product design is Copyright to Teach Fun Oz and not to be reproduced, redistributed, copied or used for anything other than personal single classroom teacher use. You DO NOT have permission to send file or give access to other teachers, parents or other schools or anyone else. However you MAY print out slideshow and activity booklet to send out to students learning via distance learning. You MAY run the slideshow in presentation mode on your computer screen and 'screenshare' with online learning class scenarios. For additional use or sharing with others in another situation, please purchase required quantity of additional licenses for use at a discounted price from our store. Our products are NOT to be re-sold, altered, lifted from or copied. You are not permitted to claim these as your own in any way or use for a whole school/district program without prior authorisation and the relevant license requirements. Multiple licenses per user are available at discounted rates for this or get in touch at:



Clip Art and Fonts are used under license and with permission. Please see our Credits/Acknowledgements page within the resource. Questions to: Thank you for shopping with TEACH FUN OZ!


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