BEES UNIT Bee Life Cycle Invertebrates Vertebrates Living Science Year 1 2 3 4
COMPLETE BEES UNIT - Bee Investigators Science for Prep Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4 Primary or Elementary - Australian Curriculum Aligned
>> Life Cycles Invertebrates Vertebrates Living Non Living Research Informational Non Fiction Report Writing Skills, External Features of Bees, Mini-beasts, Identifying needs of Living Things, What is a Habitat? Considering Effects of Human Actions, Grouping Living Things, Comparing Life Stages
Get your little science investigators excited with this MASSIVE 89 pages of Lessons and Materials covering the below Australian curriculum standards. All the hard work is done for you! Produced by experienced teacher who also has her own beehives in collaboration with an Apiarist/Beekeeper. Other resources to complement this unit will also be available separately or purchase all as a MEGA bundle when listed.
- Bees are living things - how do we know?
- What do bees need? - Identifying needs of living things
- What do bees eat? - Information about nectar, pollen, tree resin and water
- Inquiry questions - class discussion starters WHY? HOW? WHAT?
- Themed spelling words lists - 3 level lists to differentiate lessons
- Vocabulary spelling activity - word find
- Spelling activity - use words in sentences to show their meaning
- Spelling extension activities
- Caring for living things - colour, cut and paste - open flap info windows sheet
- Living and Non-Living - sort and paste
- Vertebrate or Invertebrate? How do we know?
- Examining external features of living things- Vertebrate and Invertebrate Sort Activitiy
- 3 Types of Bees
- Different species of Bees
- How are bees different to Wasps?
- Body structure and features of Bees
- Life Cycle of Bees
- Colony of Bees
- Baby Bees
- Beekeeper Tools
- Bees help us through pollination
- What do bees produce?
- Honey extraction process
- Save the Bees!
- Effects of human actions on living things
- Quiz Time!
- The home of bees - habitat
- Information report research, planning and separate topics of Habitat, Food, Features, Life Stages.
- Write a Non-Fiction Report on Bees
- Where do I belong? Sorting and classifying - comparing animals
- Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians, Invertebrates, Fish
- Where do animals live? - Various habitats of different animals
- Bee Communication
- Make a 'Save the Bees' group campaign
- Nature Journal
- Observations Journal
- Secret Fact File - Fun Bee Facts
- Extension Questions
- What do bees like and dislike?
- Plant a bee-friendly garden
- End of unit culmination activity - 'Bee Movie' - write a movie review - structure
>>Also includes loads of informational charts and posters, fun colouring in activities and cut and past flower and bee to make, themed posters to add to display in your room to set the scene for your magnificent BEE UNIT! + BONUS task rewards record sheet and name badge for each of your BEE INVESTIGATORS + Certificates for completing the unit AND variety of choices for creating a student work booklet with your selections. Teacher answer sheets are included for your convenience!
BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES : Students develop understandings about structure and function in living things; inter-dependencies within environments; and evolution of life on Earth.
Australian Curriculum Aligned
Covers standards across multiple year levels and curriculum areas:
ACSSU002 PREP/FOUNDATION SCIENCE - Living things have basic needs including food and water (caring for living things)
ACSSU017 YEAR 1 SCIENCE - Living things have a variety of external features
ACSSU211 YEAR 1 SCIENCE - Living things live in different places where their needs are met (habitats)
ACTDEK001 YEAR 1 DESIGN TECHNOLOGY - Identify how people design and produce familiar products, services and environments and consider sustainability to meet personal and local community needs
ACTDEK003 YEAR 1 DESIGN TECHNOLOGY - Explore how plants and animals are grown for food, clothing and shelter and how food is selected and prepared for healthy eating
ACSSU030 YEAR 2 SCIENCE - Living things grow, change and have offspring similar to themselves
ACELA1479 YEAR 3 ENGLISH - WRITING - Understand that paragraphs are a key organisational feature of written texts (planning paragraphs through Informational Report activity included)
ACELY1682 YEAR 3 ENGLISH - WRITING - Plan, draft, publish informative text structures
ACELY1683 YEAR 3 ENGLISH - WRITING - Re-read and edit texts for meaning, appropriate structure, grammatical choices and punctuation
ACSSU044 YEAR 3 SCIENCE - Living things can be grouped on the basis of observable features and can be distinguished from non-living things
ACTDEK010 YEAR 3 DESIGN TECHNOLOGY - Food and fibre production - Explore factors, including sustainability that impact on the design of products, services and environments to meet community needs
ACTDEK012 YEAR 3 DESIGN TECHNOLOGY - Investigate food and fibre production and food technologies used in modern and traditional societies.
ACELA1498 YEAR 4 ENGLISH - WRITING - Incorporate new vocabulary from a range of sources into students' own texts including vocabulary encountered in research
ACSSU072 YEAR 4 SCIENCE - Living things have life cycles
ACSSU073 YEAR 4 SCIENCE - Living things depend on each other and the Environment to survive
>> COMPLETE with MASSIVE 89 Slides in Powerpoint + pdf format
>> SAVE TIME! Ready to Use -
Lesson Resources and pages to help set up the ultimate science unit that students will be excited to work through with you.
Set the scene in your classroom with loads of materials ready to enlarge and print as posters or charts to make your room appealing and informative at the same time!
>>>includes Printables to create Student Activity Booklet, teacher answer sheets and informational charts and pages. Colour and Black and White options.
>>>Powerpoint Slideshow is PACKED full of engaging and relevant content to align with the Australian Curriculum.
>>>Cross Curriculum activities, vocabulary lists for spelling (different level options to help you differentiate your lessons), art activities/ fine motor skills development - colour, cut, paste, create!
>>> Science - Design Technology - Art - Writing - Spelling are all included!
READY TO TEACH Slides with NO PREP for you!
Just set up on your computer and projector screen or digital whiteboard and you are ready to go! Print what you need and teach in whichever order suits you and your class.
>> Characters from diverse backgrounds included and both male and female
>>Share with the class on classroom projector board or digital whiteboard
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