FREE Relief Teacher Day Feedback Form Substitute Class
Relief Teacher Form - FREE DOWNLOAD
This ready to print single page feedback form is simple, effective and will leave a great impression at your next relief or substitute class! Great to have on hand for classroom teachers as well as relief or substitute teachers. Helps communicate quickly and easily who replaced the class, what content was covered, any issues that arose during the day, questions or change in events. Also has a special section to leave a list of 'star' students on the day who were helpful, on task, well behaved, trying hard, as well as a 'challenges' section to report any necessary notes about behaviour or parent communication.
PDF - ready to print
2 Pages
Black and white option
Full colour option
Includes sections for:
Morning Session
Middle Session
Afternoon Session
Extra Notes: Tickboxes for on task behaviour and noise level for the day - makes it quick and easy to tick which applies.
Star Students section
Concerns section
Note: I could charge for this resource, but because I totally understand how stressful, rushed and exhausting it feels at the start and end of every relief teaching day, I have created this easy form to save you lots of time when you write out notes for the teacher you are relieving.
TOU & Credits document
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This resource is copyright to Teach Fun Oz. It cannot be sold, duplicated, copied, re-distributed or used for commercial use in any way without prior written consent by Teach Fun Oz.