Basic Addition Making Tens Single Digit Numbers Rainbow Facts Numicon Number
Basic Addition Making Tens Single Digit Numbers Rainbow Facts Numicon Counting
This resource is a low prep PDF slideshow presentation ready to go with full set of teaching slides in sequence for teaching the concepts of basic addition in making tens using single digit numbers.
Number representations are shown in concrete materials such as
- Counting bears
- Numicon
- Tens blocks
and also shown as addition sums with the symbols of plus and equals.
Early Years Mathematics - Kindy, Prep, Year 1, Year 2 Maths Concepts
ZIP file that you will need to unzip on your computer to access the following -
- 46 slide PDF Slideshow file ready to present to your class for teaching lessons
(Use as prompts for students to use their own concrete manipulatives at their desks or in maths groups to follow along and demonstrate the numbers as you go along)
- TOU Credits and Copyright Info
Within the slideshow, there are many options where slides could be printed out and used as worksheets to reinforce 'Making Tens' concept. These could also be used for laminated sheets to re-use over and over again to practise.
I am an Australia Teacher Seller and unless otherwise stated, this resource uses Australian spelling, formats and measurements.
This product design is Copyright to Teach Fun Oz and not to be reproduced, redistributed, copied or used for anything other than personal single classroom teacher use. For additional use or sharing with others, please purchase required quantity of additional licenses for use at a discounted price from our store. Our products are NOT to be re-sold, altered, lifted from or copied. You are not permitted to claim these as your own in any way or use for a whole school/district program without prior authorisation and the relevant license requirements. Multiple licenses per user are available at discounted rates for this or get in touch at: teachfunoz@outlook.com
Clip Art and Fonts are used under license and with permission. Please see our Credits/Acknowledgements page within the resource. Questions to: teachfunoz@outlook.com Thank you for shopping with TEACH FUN OZ!
Please be sure to get in touch if you have any concerns or feedback.