Fresh Waves Beach Theme Group Names Posters QLD Font
❤ Get your classroom ready for Back to School no matter what year level you have this year. Printables to suit all ages. This pack contains 18 pages of high quality printables that will have you organised and EXCITED about the year ahead. Your students will really appreciate the learning space you create for them with this fresh theme!
PRINT - LAMINATE - DISPLAY (On walls, noticeboard, book boxes or desks)
>> 1 x Terms of Use and Copyright Information
>> 1 x Powerpoint file created on Powerpoint Mac in pptx file >> print in colour on A4 or enlarge to A3 sheets and laminate for best use
3 Fun and Modern Group Name Poster Sets included so you can choose different name sets for Maths rotations, Reading groups, Spelling groups for example.
>>Posters for groups 1-6 set A
>>Posters for group themed names set B
>> Posters for group themed names set C
Be sure to make a MASTER copy of these FIRST before you edit anything so
you always have a blank bundle to go back to for each new class. Enjoy!
Some of our Decor products are digitally fillable (simply duplicate slides as you need
in Powerpoint to create class sets and double click into the text area
to add text, change font size colour as required. Some are ready to
print as is and others are printables with spaces for using a whiteboard
marker to add text in class once document is printed and laminated so you can keep changing the text as you need by hand.