End of Year Certificates Student Awards x 40 -Text Editable
End of Year Awards Certificates for Students
40 x certificate templates - text editable (printable)
>> 1 of these templates is text editable to change the name of the type of award to whatever you need, as well as a text input section for the student's name and year.
>> All other templates are designed and ready for you to print or use digitally with a variety of set award types so you don't need to come up with a list - we've saved you all that time! They also have text input sections for names and years for you to fill in or print and hand write if you prefer.
Use again and again each year! Great for End of the Year Awards Ceremony
You will receive a ZIP file download. Please ensure your computer or device ZIP software is up to date to be able to unzip this file. Once unzipped, you will retrieve 2x resource files. Terms of use and copyright info are also included.
These products are Copyright to Teach Fun Oz and are not to be reproduced, redistributed or used for anything other than personal single classroom teacher use. For additional use or sharing with others, please purchase required quantity of additional licenses for use at a discounted price from our store. Our products are NOT to be re-sold, altered, lifted from or copied. You are not permitted to claim these as your own in any way or use for a whole school/district program without prior authorisation and the relevant license requirements. Multiple licenses per user are available at discounted rates for this or get in touch at: teachfunoz@outlook.com with any questions if you are unsure.
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